For many of us the daily routine continues without even a thought about all we have and enjoy on a daily basis. My world changed suddenly and it will be a couple of months till things are 'back to normal'. First the background -
I like many of you are trying to launch a small web design business and it takes a lot of my spare time to create refinements on my site and maintaining the few sites I enjoy managing. In many ways I run on automatic taking care of my job, my wife and my small business.
We enjoy a RV in a recreation facility in Sublette, IL. The facility is named Woodhaven Lakes and is about a two hour drive from home. We enjoy the rustic feel of the grounds and treasure our time spent in the old oaks and pines on the grounds. Because we both work full time we have to schedule vacations to try to get the most time on site as possible. The major holidays we like to work around are Memorial Day, the 4th of July and Labor day. We had made plans to spend a full 5 days there over the labor day weekend and my wife was truly excited about the adventure.
In June she had a hip replacement operation and has been having feeling like the new hip was moving and with this came significant pain. It had been feeling better and we had great hopes that she was out of the woods. We were leaving on a Wednesday evening and taking Thursday, Friday, and the following Tuesday as vacation days. The plan was to leave Wednesday after work and return on Tuesday afternoon.
I came home on Wednesday and as I walked into the rear door of the house I was greeted by bags packed and things all ready to load into the car so we could leave. I started walking to the front of the house and heard my wife calling my name. I turned the corner into the kitchen and there she was on the floor, crying in great pain. I let here know I was there and called the paramedics. They arrived in less than 5 minutes.
She was lying on her face and they needed to get her turned over and onto a backboard for transfer to a gurney. A brief examination led to the determination that her new hip was fully dislocated. She was screaming in great pain as they wrapped a sheet around her hips to try to keep from causing more discomfort. Slowly and with more screaming they managed to get her on the backboard. They gave her a minor pain reliever through her nostrils and told her that this should help. The right hip was dislocated and the ankle was under her left calf. They briefly tried to straighten the leg but she screamed in pain so they left it where it was.
Next came the task of securing her to the backboard to keep her from sliding off as they carried her through the kitchen door, down the two steps to the driveway and onto the gurney. They got her to the waiting ambulance, started and IV and gave her a more powerful pain reliever. After she was stable they took off to the hospital. Needles to say, our weekend plans were drastically and suddenly changed.
My prayer for you is that you are blessed with good health and a great life partner. Be happy and enjoy the time you have with loved ones before life rocks your world.