Spring - At Last!
Well the weather is starting to turn from the cold dreary days of winter to the brighter and stormier days of early spring. It is amazing how quickly the seasons change once they decide to get with the program.
Along with spring come the holiday's and I want to wish all of you a happy Pasech on April 3rd and Easter on April 5th. I sincerely hope you get to spend some time with your loved ones on these special days.
Do you have special plans for the spring?
I am really looking forward to the weather getting warmer so we can go
to our little RV and spend some time under the standing oaks that cover
our lot. The RV is a small (12 x30 ft.) unit with one bedroom and of
course indoor plumbing. We really enjoy the peaceful quiet mornings.
If you get up early enough you can hear owl's hooting, wood peckers
hammering away and of course you can enjoy the smell of clean air.
Whatever it is that excites you about the exiting winter and the rushing in spring I hope you have something in your life to look forward to enjoying. Share the time with those you love and create a special memory that will last much longer than you could ever imagine.
Thanks for taking the time to read this blog entry and best wishes to you and your family