Saturday, January 2, 2016

2016 - A year of Challenges and Opportunities

Well here we are in 2016.   What are your hopes for the year?  Do you have any specific goals?

I have some very specific and some not so specific hopes for 2016.  My specific hopes surrond the political situation we find ourselves in as this is an election year.   Are you going to vote?   If you are then that is great and I am proud to be associated with those who choose to be a part of the process regardless of to which party they choose.

However, I am concerned about those who fail to vote and express opinions such as:
  • The process and the people are all corrupt!
  • It doesn't mater who I vote for the game is fixed!
  • Both parties do the same stuff so whats the difference.
  • No one has the fortitude to stand up against those who pervert the system.
Have you heard these thoughts expressed?  They have a common cause in that the current culture is in a state of up-upheaval and they don't see any way it will soon stabilize.  And as such the people are feeling powerless to control their own lives.  They don't know and don't have any hope in a positive future for them, their families, and their country.  All they see is anger, hate, and corruption.  People taking advantage of every loop hole they find while no one is helping them reach up to a brighter future.  Is it any wonder they loose hope and tend to adopt a 'I give up' mindset.

The really sad point is that unless they step out and use the very right that was granted them by our Constitution (to be a part of the system and help choose the next leaders of our country) they may never realize any hope, any feeling of being part of something bigger than themselves, and any sense of helping to choose their own future.   They will continue to feel hopelessness and surrender to those thoughts that keep them powerless.

So I ask you to talk to those who you know and let them know why you take part in our system and vote.  Show concern for their feelings and express understanding so they will continue to listen to you.  Let them know that their country needs their participation and how good it will feel when they do decide to take part and vote.  You may not see results this year but your words will be planted in their conscience and will take root and grow into there active thoughts until eventually they will get involved and vote.

I hope you will be a part of our country and help us select the candidate that will take the helm of our ship and guide our voyage into the next decade.  Please join me and pray for our country that it will be what it was meant to be and help stop those who wish to subvert our Constitution. And to bless us with leaders who understand and are devoted to defending our Constitution at all costs to themselves as did the original signors of the Constitution.  They "Put it ALL on the line" when they signed that document.  And now we again need leaders that will again "Put is ALL on the line".  May God Bless America!

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